Sunday, September 22, 2024
Health Lifestyle Personal growth

A fate worse than death.

I know there are a lot of people who have a fear of the dentist, but somehow I feel like my fear of the dentist is different. I mean, first of all, your fear is probably ridiculous, and my fear is real, because it’s mine. (Don’t we all feel that way, if we’re being honest? […]

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Lifestyle Personal growth

I made a new friend.

Last week, when I was meditating in the cemetery, I finally decided to look down at what I was sitting on. Wait. Is there a chance someone might think meditating in a cemetery is weird? Oh, yeah, maybe I should back up. I’m always looking for a nice, quiet place to meditate, and it turns out that […]

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Lifestyle Personal growth

Call me. Maybe.

A friend called me yesterday to chat, and while we were talking she apologized for not reading my blog lately. I said, “GIRL…..”(Please, if you’ll indulge me, imagine me as a drag queen saying that, because that’s what I really want to sound like in real life.) Also, if you’re not a female reading this, […]

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Lifestyle Marriage

Being married is awesome.

I mean it. I don’t know much about being single, since three witches kidnapped me from my castle when I was a child and assigned me a husband. But I do know something about being married, and it’s pretty great. For one thing, if you’re married to a person who needs constant attention, you never […]

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My husband has a one-track mind.

I really like to be warm. I mean, I really, really like to be warm. This time of year, one of my favorite things is to sit in my living room by our fireplace insert and just SWEAT. Sometimes I have to put on shorts and a tank top, but I’m not truly happy until […]

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I’m so ancient, I actually remember when Facebook was my happy place.

A few weeks ago, I started getting SO MANY notifications of Facebook memories. You know, those things that Facebook likes to remind you about, and you’re halfway afraid to click on because you’re not sure if they’re actually good memories, or just things you posted when you were drunk-Facebooking and they only seemed like a […]

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We just bought a beach trailer.

Okay, I’m not really sure what to call this thing, because it’s not actually a trailer and it’s also not technically on the beach. And I really want it to have a fitting name, because I’m the kind of person who thinks that words matter. Like the room we built onto our house some years […]

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You won’t like me when I’m angry.

Now, I really need to clarify this, because there’s really only one person that can make me absolutely lose my mind. I never lose my temper with my children. I never lose my temper at work, even though I’m a trainer who has to answer the same questions over and over again to people that […]

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Do not. Scroll. Down.

Seriously. Unless you want to see a graphic image, please do NOT scroll down. Unless you’d like to see the inside of my nose, do not scroll down. This is your fair warning. While you’re deciding whether or not you’d like to scroll down, we can have a chat. I’m just going to put a […]

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Health Lifestyle

I’m getting my nose cut off next week.

Okay, I’m probably not getting my nose cut off, but I always prepare myself for the worst. I’ve always done that. It wasn’t until I read one of Brene Brown’s books last summer that I realized what I’ve been doing all of my life when I’m a little bit afraid. I’ve been “dress-rehearsing tragedy.” It’s […]

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